Information Clustering Algorithms Review and Analysis

  • Farah Abbac Sari
  • Ali Abdulkarem Habib
Keywords: Clustering, Big data, Classification, Criterion.


Clustering algorithms are a powerful tool for analysing and classifying large amounts of data by dividing this information into clusters, so as to group the objects into one cluster when they are similar on certain metrics. To solve this problem, a large number of methods and algorithms have been developed. Due to the diversity of the way these algorithms work and the variables required for them, remains an urgent problem of selecting specific algorithms that provide accurate results and less consumsion of time for processing large data. The paper presents an attempt to classify the existing methods and algorithms, as well as analyze their applications for processing big data, so that we can choose the appropriate algorithm for the hashing process, based on a comparison of its performance indicators.


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How to Cite
Sari, F., & Habib, A. (2023). Information Clustering Algorithms Review and Analysis. Journal of Software Engineering, 1(2), 49-57. Retrieved from